Final Research Panel Member

AI_bio_H_7639We are pleased to announce that our final research panel member for the day two session is Harini Suresh. Harini is a PhD student in Computer Science at MIT, where she is part of the Clinical and Applied Machine Learning Group, the Visualization Group, and the Data + Feminism Lab.  Her research interests include characterizing complications that arise when machine learning is used with imperfect real-world data, and building tools that surface such limitations to end users in an understandable way. She is also interested in how participatory processes can reshape the ML development pipeline to center marginalized voices, and how data/ML literacy could play a role.  Previously, Harini completed her B.Sc. and M.Eng. at MIT in Computer Science, studying machine learning systems in healthcare contexts. Currently, she is the organizer of the MIT AI Ethics Discussion group, an interdisciplinary forum to facilitate conversation and collaboration around ethical questions in artificial intelligence; and the co-creator of ML Tidbits, an educational non-profit intended to empower non-experts to understand and discuss ML and its societal consequences.

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